I’m done with you guys

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[This piece was published a few years back in the Columbus Bar Association Lawyers Quarterly magazine. Because the state of our language continues its spiral decline, I’m posting it here.]

It’s almost too much to bear.  It’s enough to make my head explode. Our English language is slowly degrading to a point where things that were once considered to be bad grammar and offensive slang are now slowly becoming the new standards.

Using the correct pronoun after a conjunction is a lost ...

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Civility—a strategy for change

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Unless you live in a cave, you’ve probably read several articles about the demise of civility in our political discourse. There’s no question a problem exists. Jim Simon did a nice job discussing the issue in an op-ed published June 28 in the Columbus Dispatch.

He advocates a number of changes in how we behave, such as: insisting on “high-road behavior” from politicians; stepping out of our bubbles and being willing to listen to and understand those with whom we ...

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