
  1. Kay G.  July 17, 2023

    Just viewed the TV ad where the Republican political representative is standing in the bedroom of a couple who is undertaking private activities. Sure says it all. I am totally sick of the self-righteous Ohioans who try to tell everyone how to live. MYOB or die is a good political cry for anyone who Likes living in a democracy and not an autocratic state. No I would not personally get an abortion. But who am I to tell anyone else how to lead their life? I am not LGBTQ but am no better than those that may be. Live and let live and for goodness sake MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Just why are they afraid to allow us to lead our own lives?

  2. Steven Spring  July 18, 2023

    I’ve never understood why we allow ballot issues to be written in such a language that one needs to be an attorney to understand them. I just heard of this the other day, and did not realize we’re voting on August 8. August 8, is this one more way to limit voter turnout?

    GO BUCKS!!!


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