Coronavirus gives rise to scholars and creativity

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The directives from the Ohio Department of Public Health concerning how we are to deal with the coronavirus have brought many revelations. Until the virus hit, I didn’t realize how many constitutional law scholars we have, nor was I aware how creative people can be when objecting to the guidelines.

Take, for instance, the owner of The National Road Diner near Cambridge, Ohio. She refuses to close because, “it’s my constitutional right to open my business now.” Apparently, constitutional law is no longer the province of law scholars. The owner doesn’t tell us what part of the either the Ohio or the U.S. Constitution is being violated, just that some right has been taken away. I suppose it’s a really complex analysis.

No matter. I’ll stop by sometime. When ordering bacon and eggs, I’ll get a side order of Due Process.

The owner of a pizzeria isn’t requiring customers to wear a face mask and, in his defense, posted a sign that states, “Please reference the U.S. Constitution.” No explanation of how the U.S. Constitution applies. Not to worry. I’ll stop in sometime and say, “I’d like a large pepperoni pizza, please, and an update on the Equal Protection Clause.”  

Speaker of the House Larry Householder (R-Perry) gets a prize for being creative. He doesn’t think social distancing rules should apply to people from rural areas, because those folks already know about social distancing.

What? Run that by me, again, Larry.

Sure, Perry County might not have the population density that urban areas do, but rural areas still have plenty of spaces where people congregate —anybody need groceries?— and can spread the virus.

My favorite comment comes from state representative Nino Vitale (R-Urbana): “We are all created in the image and likeness of God. That image is seen the most by our face. I will not wear a mask.”

Really, Nino?! Look, no one has ever accused you of being the voice of reason, but even for you, this is too much.

Can we put aside the “likeness of God” thing for a moment. How about wearing a mask to lower the risk of you infecting other people.

I understand that people don’t like being told what to do. No one does. On top of that, people are hurting. Many can’t afford to buy food or pay the rent. I get that too.

But all the complaining would be a lot easier to take if people would be honest and just admit they don’t like the rules and don’t care about how their actions affect others. In these days when being transparent is all the rage, complainers should be transparent and say, “I want what I want, and I don’t care about the rules.”

But lamenting about the constitution and the likeness of God? Oh, puhhhhlease.


Jack D’Aurora writes for


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  1. Debbie  May 14, 2020

    And don’t forget “my right to bear arms” while I’m at a peaceful protest! Oh, puhhhhlease. 🙂

  2. robin  May 14, 2020

    Great to see some levity in your blog. We need a laugh. I am one of those who looks with wonder and amazement at those who refuse to don a mask. My vote is masks should be mandated to “insure domestic tranquility” and making that demand is my Constitutional right….isn’t it?

  3. Bill  May 14, 2020

    Common sense is not that common

  4. Kay G.  May 14, 2020

    Can we expect anything else from the Trump followers who thrive on ignorance and lack of substance to properly argue any point other than their own ideology? Having watched the testimony of Dr. Bright this morning I am convinced that the Republican ignorance not only shows their ineptitude, but now is the cause of death of thousands of Americans. But do not fear, somehow they will find ways to lie their way out of any guilt caused by their ignorance or perhaps their laziness in learning facts and truths? It is our responsibility to shed light on their stupidity and elect only those that follow the path of honesty and integrity.

  5. Bobby g  May 14, 2020

    Many of our resided citizen friends fall in this unfortunate mindset.

  6. Bruce  May 14, 2020

    I am perplexed why these “Patriots” have not invoked the self-evident truths that their Creator gave them certain unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness with a burger with fries on the side. That it would make more sense to me to site the Declaration of Independence rather than the Constitution.

  7. Paul  May 14, 2020

    Jack, Jack, Jack here you go again. First, when I read your biography and the firm areas of practice, i do not see where Constitutional Law (either State or federal) is an area of your expertise. Perhaps you can conduct research and tell us why it doesn’t apply. Let’s set aside your hubris for the moment, are you suggesting every citizen carry a Constitutional lawyer in their pockets? When I was in law school and as I teach it, I recall great lawyers reading the same US Constitution and having different interpretations. Moreover, in the Dred Scott decision the US Supreme Court held (under the US Constitution) that negroes were were not US citizens. Hardly a shining moment. The vote was 7-2. Did the 2 make a mistake?
    Many of the rights ascribed as being Constitutional arise from disputes where no brief is written at the time of the dispute. For instance, Privacy is never mentioned, but there have been cases brought asserting that right laws of the land and now it is accepted. In short, the US Constitution is a living breathing document. It is not static.
    Moreover, you ascribe motives to a person whom you’ve never met, not interviewed and know very little about. When have you lived in a rural area?
    The Declaration of Independence, which preceded the Articles of Confederation and the US and Ohio Consitutions, allows for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Perhaps that does not resonate with some, but it does with me.
    But my biggest issue is that you have resorted to ridicule and supposition instead of delving into facts.
    You’re better than that.


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